
Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

Be around a group of guys for long enough eventually the topic of fetishes/what you like comes up, and I’ll be honest it’s been tough to answer as of late it never used to be it was just you know sexy stuff hot women do now my answers are more like the awkward “you know” lol anyone with half a brain would probably connect the dots that I’m some sort of deviant but no one has caught on that I know of.

But otherwise no it’s just not anyone’s business imo unless it’s someone I’m really intimate with
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.

I told my partner, and a friend who I don't talk to much. But I haven’t told my therapist.

I’m quiet around fetishes and really don’t talk about it. My partner recently has asked me if I would love them after they lost weight with their new injection they were approved for. The question was vague and not really as direct as I worded it. But we clearly both don't want to talk about it. That was the first time they suggested my fetish since maybe a year ago when I first brought it up.
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.

I told my partner, and a friend who I don't talk to much. But I haven’t told my therapist.

I’m quiet around fetishes and really don’t talk about it. My partner recently has asked me if I would love them after they lost weight with their new injection they were approved for. The question was vague and not really as direct as I worded it. But we clearly both don't want to talk about it. That was the first time they suggested my fetish since maybe a year ago when I first brought it up.

That seems like a tough situation. I don't even feel like I can start a partnership because of my fetish, so personally it is interesting to know that you are with somebody that doesn't share the same interest in the same way. Of course there is more to a relationship than sex and fetishes, but I would feel sort of weird for not getting everything I want or need from just one person in one place.
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.

There is no universe where I will tell my parents about even my most vanilla interests. Hell, I don't even wanna know about theirs.

Ignorance is bliss, and I'm a happy lady.

I shared a room with my siblings growing up, so I know they know something. But they don't know specifics, and I know they prefer it that way.

My work colleagues do not need to know about my sex life. I think that's an HR violation.

I have some non-feedist friends who know I'm a sadistic domme feeder, but we are a relatively kinky bunch and tend to talk about kinks even though we don't share a lot of them.
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

Morbidly A Beast:
Be around a group of guys for long enough eventually the topic of fetishes/what you like comes up, and I’ll be honest it’s been tough to answer as of late it never used to be it was just you know sexy stuff hot women do now my answers are more like the awkward “you know” lol anyone with half a brain would probably connect the dots that I’m some sort of deviant but no one has caught on that I know of.

But otherwise no it’s just not anyone’s business imo unless it’s someone I’m really intimate with

I see.
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I have some very good friends who know there is a sexual component to my size and eating habits; with some, I've spoken of it, although not in great detail to non-feedists.

My parents know I'm happy with my size and do not aspire to be thin. They're not thrilled, but they also love me enough not to alienate me for it. There is a zero percent chance I'd ever discuss feedism with them

With work, my size and sexual preferences are absolutely no one's business.

All that said, my fiance probably has more friends who know about his lifestyle. He's tall, lean, and fit, and he is marrying a 500 lb.+ woman. While he has been in past relationships with some average-sized or thin women, two of his past girlfriends have been over 300 pounds. At the very least, most people who are close to him know his preferences.
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.

I told my partner, and a friend who I don't talk to much. But I haven’t told my therapist.

I’m quiet around fetishes and really don’t talk about it. My partner recently has asked me if I would love them after they lost weight with their new injection they were approved for. The question was vague and not really as direct as I worded it. But we clearly both don't want to talk about it. That was the first time they suggested my fetish since maybe a year ago when I first brought it up.

Good luck. This is not a situation I would want to be in. But I don't think that will happen to me.
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I have some very good friends who know there is a sexual component to my size and eating habits; with some, I've spoken of it, although not in great detail to non-feedists.

My parents know I'm happy with my size and do not aspire to be thin. They're not thrilled, but they also love me enough not to alienate me for it. There is a zero percent chance I'd ever discuss feedism with them

With work, my size and sexual preferences are absolutely no one's business.

All that said, my fiance probably has more friends who know about his lifestyle. He's tall, lean, and fit, and he is marrying a 500 lb.+ woman. While he has been in past relationships with some average-sized or thin women, two of his past girlfriends have been over 300 pounds. At the very least, most people who are close to him know his preferences.

Lucky man.
10 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

My brother knows, a few very close friends know and that's about it. My friends had heard of it before (and one told me that she dated a guy that was a gainer), so it wasn't too difficult to explain.

My brother was concerned about my weight gain and was coming from a good place before I told him, but is happy that I'm happy and am comfortable with myself.
10 months
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